Let it Snow!
/Not much snow to speak of so far this winter, but there is still hope!
Promoting visitor awareness and appreciation for the unique resources of Grover Hot Springs State Park
Promoting visitor awareness and appreciation for the unique resources of Grover Hot Springs State Park
Promoting visitor awareness and appreciation for the unique resources of Grover Hot Springs State Park
Promoting visitor awareness and appreciation for the unique resources of Grover Hot Springs State Park
Promoting visitor awareness and appreciation for the unique resources of Grover Hot Springs State Park
Promoting visitor awareness and appreciation for the unique resources of Grover Hot Springs State Park
Promoting visitor awareness and appreciation for the unique resources of Grover Hot Springs State Park
Promoting visitor awareness and appreciation for the unique resources of Grover Hot Springs State Park
Not much snow to speak of so far this winter, but there is still hope!
The pool is closed September 5th through the 19th for annual maintenance. Please call before coming out to make sure the pool is open - (530) 6942249, or 694-2248.
The Pool will be closed for repairs July 18th, and possibly July 19th. Please call (530) 694 2248 before coming to use the pool on the 19th.
Spring is here - meadows are green - wildflowers are blooming & the creeks raging with water!
Check out winter pictures in our Gallery!
Friends of Grover Hot Springs helps support Grover Hot Springs State Park by raising money through membership and donations.
The Friends of Grover Hot Springs operate under the umbrella of the Bodie Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that generates funding for three state parks, Bodie State Historic Park, Mono Lake State Nature Reserve and Grover Hot Springs State Park.
© 2014 Friends of Grover Hot Springs
PO Box 218 Markleeville, CA 96120
(760) 694-2420